Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bridges On The Journey

What are the bridges on the journey to self discovery.? The bridges are in fact the writers on enlightenment throughout the history of humanity.

These writers write about enlighten Masters or about their own understanding of enlightenment.

Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950)
Meher Baba (1894-1969)
Allan Y. Cohen Ph. D
Master Da Avabhasa (Da Free John)
Lex Hixon, Ph.D.
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963).
Gopi Krishna (1903-1984)
J.Krishnamurti (1895-1989)
Swami Sivananda Radha
Dane Rudhyar (895-1985)
Huston Smith
Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941)
Roger N. Walsh
Alan W. Watts (1915-1973)
Ken Wilber
Joel S. Goldsmith
Dr Alfred Aiken

They may start out as teachers and gurus but they should end as only bridges on your journey to Self discovery.

Let's look at some of these Bridges to other perspectives of reality.

Geoffery D. Falk

Like bridges all over a state or country you can check them out personally or you can consult a tour guide.

I would like to present Geoffrey D. Falk, (just as I have used John White as an guide to give a basic sketch of the variety of spiritual, teachers, guides, messiahs and/or atvars), as a guide to the possible bridges you might cross in your journey of Self discovery.

This book strengthens my resolve to see no man as a guru, messiah or life long teacher but simply as bridges on your journey of Self Discovery.

However, let's note forget to acknowledge any genuine ray of enlightenment.

Book: The Science Of The Soul: On Consciousness And The Structure Of Reality by Geoffrey D. Falk.

Numerous books have been published over the past few decades on the subject of the apparent similarities between Eastern philosophy and the ideas of the "New Physics." However, without exception, these writings have failed to address the real meaning of "As above, so below": that the macrocosm of the universe is mirrored in the microcosm of the human body, and that the archetypal patterns of structure on the causal and astral levels of reality have their lower reflections on the physical level of being. In The Science of the Soul, Geoffrey D. Falk corrects this significant oversight. Drawing equally from yogic, Buddhist, Christian and Taoist sources, Falk shows that it is only by considering the detailed structure of the cosmos and the microcosmos that we can understand both the unified message which the scriptures have tried to convey, and their precise relation to the physicists' understanding of the physical level of reality - in particular, the ideas of David Bohm and Itzhak Bentov. I endorse whole-heartedly the road you have traveled. Light is a - perhaps the - powerful entry point to Spirit, and you ring the changes on it well. It's a book I would like to have on my shelves to refer to. Huston Smith, Ph.D., author, The World's Religions Combines ... astutely some of the great wisdoms of the spiritual world with the emerging understanding of the physical universe. Dr. James Fadiman, Board of Editors, The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology As a heroic journey of the mind into the mysterious realm of consciousness and maya in a vehicle fitted with the wheels of modern science and powered by the engine of yoga, the book merits a close study. S. Srinivasachar, The Ramakrishna Institute.

Bridges On The Journey

What are the bridges on the journey to self discovery.? The bridges are in fact the writers on enlightenment throughout the history of humanity.

These writers write about enlighten Masters or about their own understanding of enlightenment.

Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950)
Meher Baba (1894-1969)
Allan Y. Cohen Ph. D
Master Da Avabhasa (Da Free John)
Lex Hixon, Ph.D.
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963).
Gopi Krishna (1903-1984)
J.Krishnamurti (1895-1989)
Swami Sivananda Radha
Dane Rudhyar (895-1985)
Huston Smith
Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941)
Roger N. Walsh
Alan W. Watts (1915-1973)
Ken Wilber
Joel S. Goldsmith
Dr Alfred Aiken

They may start out as teachers and gurus but they should end as only bridges on your journey to Self discovery.

Let's look at some of these Bridges to other perspectives of reality.

Roger N. Walsh

Enlightenment sees the underlying unity of all things. Wherever there is boundary and rift, it tries to dissolve them insofar as they are based on ego and ignorance. It does not try to eliminate diversity and difference-only division.

In this spirit, Roger N. Walsh a transpersonal-oriented psychiatrist, demonstrates here the compatability of eastern psychological system (draw from Theravadin Buddhism). with western psychological and social concern. There are presentlt a lrge division between eastern and western views of the nature of the human being, bridges are being built by far seeing individuals such as Walsh whose efforts correct and enlarge the views of conventional western psychologies.

Introduction by John White; What Is Enlightenment?

Editorial Reviews Review
Psychiatrist and philosopher Roger Walsh looks at seven common practices of the world's major religions to tease out a guidebook for contemporary spirituality. With gleanings from Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, Walsh offers seven chapters devoted to enlightenment. For example, "Practice 1" discusses how readers can reduce cravings and find the soul's desire (very relevant in an increasingly materialistic world). Once Walsh has laid out the goals and reasoning behind each practice, he offers an array of exercises, such as how to "Examine the Experience of Craving" or "Reflect on the Cost of Craving." Although this format is overtly self-help, Walsh has brought forth a wise and highly respectable book that integrates some of the best practices that the world's religions can offer. The introduction by the Dalai Lama gives Walsh great praise for helping readers become purer in motivation so that they can lead a more fulfilling life in service to love and compassion. --Gail Hudson --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Product Description
"Essential Spirituality beautifully articulates the benefits of spiritual living in the material world."–Dan Millman, author, Everyday Enlightenment and The Way of the Peaceful Warrior"Deceptively simple. Its power is rooted not only in Dr. Walsh’s formidable intellectual capacity to deal effectively with a vast body of religious literature but in his own deep spiritual practices in a multitude of disciplines over many years. An important contribution."–Ram Dass, author, Be Here Now "An absolute masterpiece . . . Essential Spirituality is helpful to both the unseasoned and seasoned seeker. The writing is deep, simple, and clear yet at the same time poetic and musical. A must read."–GERALD G. JAMPOLSKY, M.D. author, Love Is Letting Go of Fear

"Energetic, engaged, and occasionally electrifying. . . . The field of spiritual books has been looking for its own Lewis Thomas or Carl Sagan, and I believe Roger Walsh may be that one."–KEN WILBeR, author, One Taste and A Brief History of Everything

Based on over twenty years of research and spiritual practice, this is a groundbreaking and life-changing book. In his decades of study, Dr. Roger Walsh has discovered that each of the great spiritual traditions has both a common goal and seven common practices to reach that goal: recognizing the sacred and divine that exist both within and around us. Filled with stories, exercises, meditations, myths, prayers, and practical advice, Essential Spirituality shows how you can integrate these seven principles into one truly rewarding way of life in which kindness, love, joy, peace, vision, wisdom, and generosity become an ever-growing part of everything you do.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dr`Alfred Aiken

"The fact that Life is forever means that death is never." - Alfred Aiken

Here is a wonderful little sentence that packs a punch...forcing one to look again at the concept/existence of Lifes eternality and the enigma of what is commonly perceived as 'death'. This teacher presents us with God being the Totality/Fullness/Allness of and now...forever being. 'Death' then must not be actual and only to our limited, dualistic, finite senses appears to be a phenomena of nature as we see things pass.... come and go from our vision. However if we look to the Absolute, the ONE, the Ever-living ALL who is 'God'...who fills the Entirety of BEING...being ALL that IS.....then death is only relative and does not exist in the One Divine Being that God IS...the Living Universal ONE. This gives us great optimism to look forward to the continuation of consciousness as Infinite Intelligence forever plummets the depths and heights of MIND....exploring, creating the unending dimensions of Light in Infinite Space. If Life is indeed forever....then death is only a passing phenomenal appearance in the realm of relative perception...but non-existent to the Universal ONE. (quote above taken from the book 'NOW' by Alfred Aiken, pg. 186)

Alfred Aiken Discussion forum on Absolute Reality

One of the most profound and peculiar teachings I have discovered are those of Dr. Alfred Aiken - he taught a philosophy concerning the All-ness of God and the nature of Truth, Reality, Mind, Spirit, Being, Intelligence.....these being terms denoting the All-Supreme ONE...who is the I AM that I AM. These teachings are very high and are re-cognized in the Consciousness of the ALL....springing from the premise of God being the Only Mind that IS. Website: from

"That Which Is" by Alfred Aiken

Look at the Self I Am! What a glorious Beauty, Being, Identity is mine; the Eternity, Infinity, Continuity of my Self; the irrefutability of my Perfection; the breadth, depth and indubitable accuracy of my Wisdom; the ever-availability of my Intelligence! This present Conscious Awareness does not detract from my all-inclusive Knowledge, Truth, but gives God the full measure of glory, power and honor that belongs entirely, exclusively to Him. It is the measure of adoration that Infinite Intelligence is individually bestowing upon Himself as the One Altogether Lovely -- The Alone One who can know no other.


Joel Goldsmith

Image from:

John White

Image from: Visit Amazon's John White Page

Ken Wilber

Da Avabhasa

The God Who truly and Really Exists is not present as a separate (or exclusively "Other") Personality anywhere in cosmic Nature. Nor is That One to be identified with any subtle object in Nature, or with any of the lights observable via mystical consciousness. That One Is Real (Acausal) God. You Realize That One only by entering most profoundly into the Inherently egoless Self-Domain (or Self-Position), the Domain of Prior Existence (or Is-ness), the Tacit Self-Apprehension of Being (Itself).

The Avataric Great Sage Adi Da Samraj

Swami Sivananda Radha

Dane Rudhyar
Original drawing of Dane Rudhyar by Deirdre Carmichael
Computer Graphics by Imre Hillenbrand

Gopi Krishna

Lex Hixon

Sri Aurobindo

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Meher Baba

Huston Smith

Aldous Huxley

Richard M. Bucke

Image from:

Bucke is one of the first Bridges that I came across that leads into a different perspective about reality.

Cosmic Consciousness, written in 1901, is one of a handful of classic texts that helped give rise to the global consciousness movement now occurring. (William James, 1902 Varieties of Religions Experience was another.) In 1872, at age 36, a Canadian psychiatrist named Richard M. Bucke expereinced an extraordinary moment of illumination and therafter devoted himself to the study of the phenomenon that so profoundly affected altered his life for the better. Surveying human history, he found and described more than a dozen instances of people who displyed wht he called cosmic consciousness , a new faculty entering the human race through evolution. He also found several dozen "lesser, imperfect, and doubtful" instabces which he likewise catalogued. Among those in full cosmic consciousness, according to Bucke: Buddha, Krishna, jesus, St.PPaul, Plotinus, Mohammed, Dante, St. John of the Cross, William Blake, Walt Whitman, and Madam Guyon.

Evelyn Underhill

Image from:

A brief introduction from
John White's; What is Enlightenment? Exploring the Goal of the Spiritual Path.

"Ignorance of spiritual laws is bondage; knowledge of spiritual laws is freedom; application of spiritual laws is wisdom." The full fruition of spirituality-wise, dedicated, and loving service that aims to elevate human consciousness-is described in Evelyn Underhill's classic, Mysticism, as "the unitive life" It is characteristic of the mystical ascent to godhead that inner experience is translated ore and more into outer behaviour because the mystic sees that in reality there is no such division as "inner" and "outer. " They are simply different aspects of the One Great Truth of Existence. The `God realised person sees the "seamless garment" of Being and, seeing it, quite naturally brings his or her activity more and more in alignment with that awareness. Amid the diversity of activities they may persue , there is unity because they see that all is God and ther is only God.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Allan W.Watts

Image from

I like this introduction to Alan W. Watts, in John White's; What is Enlightenment? Exploring the Goal of the Spiritual Path.

Some people mistakenly regard the quest for enlightenment as infantile regression or other worldly escapism. It is none of that. Enlightenment, Alan Watts points out, is the very essence of what is happening here and now throughout the cosmos. It therefore includes all planets and all worlds, from the gross material to the exalted and ethereal, but at the same time transcends them. Enlightenment is the state of awareness which lights all creation, making it clear and understandable, accessible to the vision of the inner eye. And what the inner eye sees is this: I am the universe; I am present everywhere. Thus it is paradoxical that the enlightenment although beyond the entire realm of space , time and causality in their consciousness, are at the same time more in the world than anyone else. When you realise yourself to be infinite and eternal, when you have nowhere to go and nothing to seek, you become , in the most fundamental sense, here and now, completely at home in the universe.

Watts elucidates the relationship between ordinary awareness and cosmic consciousness, and shows that enlightenment is none other than your everyday mind, but realised as such. Where does mind end? Where does self end? They don't they are infinite and eternal. In truth, then, the ordinary is extraordinary. Enlightenment is simply surrendering yourself to what is already the case. Here-and-now is It, perfect in all its apparent imperfection. As a wise yogi once said, there is nothing wrong with the word but your attitude to it. If the creation is perfect, if you are in essence already perfectly enlightened, the question of how how to experience enlightenment is not primarily a matter of "What should I do in the future to get it?" but rather, "What am I presently doing that prevents me from realising it is so right now?" The answer: everything about us that is ego-based, separative and resistant to recognising the intelligence that lives in us all-the Love, as Dante puts it in the end of The Divine Comedy, "to which all creation moves."